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当前位置: 首页 > 产品中心 > cellular_metabolism > silantes/2H 15N High Performance OD2 Media solution for E.coli/litre(s)/110501402
商品详细silantes/2H 15N High Performance OD2 Media solution for E.coli/litre(s)/110501402
silantes/2H 15N High Performance  OD2 Media solution for E.coli/litre(s)/110501402
silantes/2H 15N High Performance OD2 Media solution for E.coli/litre(s)/110501402
商品编号: 110501402
品牌: silantes
市场价: ¥25000.00
美元价: 12500.00
产地: 美国(厂家直采)
产品分类: 细胞代谢
公司分类: cellular_metabolism
联系Q Q: 3392242852
电话号码: 4000-520-616
电子邮箱: info@ebiomall.com
  • Description

Product description: E. coli CDN media OD2,2H15N-labelled


- 1 x Rich growth E.coli media, isotopic labelling: 2H15N, amount: 1 L, this product is in a ready-to-usesterilesolution, isotopic enrichment > 98 %

Silantes OD2 media are rich growth media for a high-performance expression of stable isotope labelled proteins. The media are formulated for a > OD2cell density (optical density measured at 600nm).

The media are made from bacterial hydrolysate and contain primarily amino acids, some low molecular weight oligopeptides and almost no carbohydrates.The bacterial strain used is a chemolithoautotrophic organism which grows on inorganic substrates that are isotopically labelled.

Note: Silantes media are natural products. A slightly different color (e.g. amongst different batches) is absolutely normal for natural products.

silantes的用于蛋白质组研究及核磁共振研究的稳定性同位素标记系列产品应用范围:主要应用于蛋白质相对定量以及蛋白质结构研究。适用设备:稳定性同位素标记物质适用于质谱仪(MS)、气相色谱-质谱联用仪、液相色谱-质谱联用仪、毛细管气相色谱、核磁共振(NMR)产品范围:SILAC系列产品(13C-Lysine/Arginine or 13C15N-Lysine/Arginine 标记营养试剂,培养基及标记好的蛋白标准品,提取自E.coli, Yeast,小鼠组织,果蝇,线虫,斑马鱼等等), E.coli/ Yeast重标universal培养基,Nucleot(/s)ides,Bio-NMR Standards等,以及多种基础标记产品(Metabolic Substrates) 如Amino Acids,13C-Glucose,15NH4CL,D2O等